At HITOp, we believe nurses have the most to contribute to interoperability requirements and workflow analysis.

The HIMSS Nursing Informatics Community
Improving Data Interoperability and Integration to Support Value-Based Care
Lessons from Stakeholder Interviews:
Classify the factors that differentiate between higher and lower levels of data integration
Describe the use cases and activities associated with data integration to support value-based care
Evaluate barriers and facilitators to data integration through a technical, organizational and environmental factor framework
Discuss various policy and organizational interventions that could further promote data integration

Nursing Organizations and Education
- All Nurses
- Nursing Journal Online MSN Health Informatics Programs
- American Organization of Nurse Executives
- CNA Buzz - Nursing Education
- Cleveland Clinic Nursing Institute
- Nursing Informatics
- National Institute of Nursing Research, NINR
- Texas Tech U. Health Sciences School of Nursing
Nursing-related Articles
- Nursing Interoperability 101
- Grad Schools Search
- OnLine Journal of Nursing Informatics: "Of data, ehealth, interoperability and standards, of cabbages and kings"